A downloadable game


Town.zip 107 MB


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Found a game-breaking bug in the first of the three games, in the scene with the army rats if you end up behind one of the lampposts everything stops, you can't move anywhere and you can only fire in the last direction you were facing (or something to the effect, I was facing south when it happened to me.)


Thank you. I'm working on it. I appreciate your feedback.

Replayed the game. Still enjoyed it, though I noticed we never end up using the key we got. Is there some location I missed or was the item just never used outside of triggering the battle?


I tried to find you on discord and it's not letting me, so can you PM there? I'm Nova Kane.

Sent out a friend request. You should be able to PM me now.


I didn't get it. LOL. 

(1 edit)

Just checked my pending friend requests and have 2. An incoming one from Nova Kane and an outgoing one to NovaKane. I am assuming the new one is yours and I accidently sent one to the wrong Nova Kane.

Yes, the one with the dog is me. LOL. I figured there must have been two Novakanes. lol

Fun game and nice twist on "normal" battles. I can just imagine the archery judge of the last tournament saying "Hey! I've got a great idea! Why don't we have the archers shoot at a live troll. What could possibly go wrong?"



LOL. Thanks man!! Glad you liked it, and thanks for delving into my library of "games"

I liked Herman's songs! The timing for the final archery tournament was fun too. A nice tiny game. :D


Thanks!!!! His voice is mine. 

You have a lovely voice! :D